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第73章 紧张局势升级

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079 Endless Trouble (Two in One)

Who is the evil god with the power to change? Even if God controls the laws of all things, if such a result can only be obtained through His power, then what kind of evil God is He? Cthulhu seems to have power, but there is something different.

Arya was born as a mage and a demon to Dagon, so she had no idea about the evil god that Dagon followed, but the demon saw the imbalance in the enemy's body as if it did not belong here. However, Cthulhu's power is controlled by an unknown evil god.

However, since he is a demon, he has so much strength that even his physical attacks cause waves that surpass current weapons, so it is only a matter of time. Enemies can be dispatched.

And this in itself does not necessarily cause disaster. Even if the team member fighting Cross were to fight him without using the Ghost Machine God, he could still lose if his opponent wasn't the most powerful mage in existence. .

Fighting other demons is also something new for Majin Aria.

So what do you want? After all, I don't know anything, so I have to fight you.

Aria stopped her attack and asked in a questioning voice.

Similarly, Kisner remained calm despite the destruction of the evil god's power, and answered in one voice:

This sentence should be like I said, Who are you? The spirits look the same but have different mystical properties.

Feeling weird?

Arjan Arya put her little finger to the side of her mouth and looked up, remembering the magical knowledge within her body before she answered.

Maybe it's a physical sign. It is the same soul, but it is customary to identify it with a new body after reincarnation. It is the body, but that is not important.

What kind of evil god is the disciple of the man who controls the power of the evil god? Or is he a man favored by the evil god?



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