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第73章 紧张局势升级

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In the battlefield of heaven, damage was caused by all kinds of weapons, and neither Majin nor Chizuna had any intention of stopping during the battle, and it was not a good idea to try to use them now out of greed. . The latter is kind, the latter is a devil who only cares about his family, at this point he no longer cares about the damage he has done, the field is slowly expanding, and it has been a battlefield since childhood. World wars are like world wars.

Surprisingly, even though it was a small village, they still fought in the bush in the countryside when the war between the two sides spread throughout Australia. It looks like the space size is wrong, in this case. Over time, they can no longer be felt.

It was clear that the two were shooting at each other on the battlefield and were very effective in bat, but the tactics used by the two were shameful and despicable, and even prudent people would not use such despicable methods. There are wars and all kinds of movements. It is used in the same way as regular martial arts.

The two fought fiercely, making a deafening sound from the dragons in the sky. , the sound barrier was broken and both raced at a top speed of Mach 40.

Three seconds later he fell to the ground.

At this time, Chizuna's body was torn apart by the explosion as if it had been shot by a gun, but Majin believed that even if Aria was accidentally shot, she would not feel the pain.

Footnote 1: High Priest of Thoth. He belongs to the priesthood of the Star Familiar tribe of Cthulhu, the race that founded R'leh in legend. In "The Call of Cthulhu," thugs claiming to be members of the Cult of Cthulhu are caught by the police before they can perform the summoning ritual, and are believed to be Star Trek elders. Among these dragons, the Priest of Cthulhu is their god. When this game happens, the high priest of the Soth tribe loses his head due to the 100% cost of the god's bite and bees the incarnation of an evil god. This is the entrance of Cthulhu, the evil god from another world.



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