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大家在看万古神帝 我宅了百年出门已无敌 万古一帝 帝霸 朝仙道 不灭霸体诀 自在神医逍遥客杨业【免费小说全文阅读】 疯了吧!你真是御兽师? 御兽时代:我的本命是神兽青龙 生死丹尊 
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第73章 紧张局势升级

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However, the appearance of the two peting with each other remains the same, and there is no problem with their skin.

Both men stood their ground and attacked again, Cthulhu's divine power clashing with Dagon's divine power.

If the real evil god appeared here, he could easily defeat Dagon with the power of the Lord of Sleep, but currently both parties share the divine power, so it depends on the quality of the dead. BOTH

Aria devil is a born devil who tries to collect the evil divine things and control the divine power that is strongly attracted to the secret weapon, and can generate a lot of god powers with a power point of God.

Through his many reincarnations, Kizner raised the crude magic of his magic system to a mature technique that allowed him to better understand the power of the evil gods and confirmed the appearance of demons and the power of evil gods. good shot

The demon Aria turned her right hand into a sword and attacked Kizuna.

Kizuna suddenly retreated and at the same time controlled the divine power within his body and fought like a bone, but a cold fire flared up and the blade of the demon's hand cut them like a sharp and powerful blade. A sharp sound echoed from Xena's weapon.

Kizuna's body received a powerful impact like high-speed steel, and the armor on his entire body threatened to shatter, but Kizuna gritted his teeth and continued to fight, attacking his opponent. His powerful attacks were aimless, and he hit with all his might, and the shadow of his hand filled the demon's eyes.

Majin Aria looked at the shadow of a hill floating in the sky and prepared herself, and time began to stretch, and even though everything seemed to stop, the other person's hand continued to move.

But the devil saw the work done between each stroke.

The devil rushed forward with great strength, his whole body disappeared, and there was a rush of wind, and a thunderous sound.



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