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第73章 紧张局势升级

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At this point, his mental state felt strange, as if someone was controlling his body, and I suspected that he had schizophrenia.

right? Are you going out again? Surprisingly, it's not a prison, so is it over? Hey, are you really sleeping? Did you make a mistake? Even if it's just one, it's too many, but how can I offer directly when I offer my body to you?

Something is wrong, this body, why is this body like Dagon and not a dead soul? It won't be long before she returns to the world, but worse than making a doll. So this time I offered my body, but forget it, I don't have time to use it.

He actually thought that Chizuna might be looking at him strangely, since that wasn't the case with previous incarnations.

Suddenly, his body changed rapidly, and the body, immersed in deep water, changed again, this time became a real demon, similar to the same myths and legends of the witch. But inside him, these pinkish-blue scales were still shining under the sky, and the power of the evil god could be seen from this body.

In this first copy, Majin Arya's main body, the Majin Arya who now controls him, has been sleeping since Dagon started using magic.

Is this the divine power of Dagon? But even though he is very weak and his body is different than before, he is still a strong person.

At that time, Mazin looked at Aliya Cizna and said:

is that you

he asked without waiting for Chizuna's answer. Because when Demiya Aria spoke, she raised her beautiful hand. At that moment, the pink and blue scales faded slightly, but then a terrible magic power passed through them, and they suddenly disappeared. A strong wind blew it, and rocks and stones were thrown, which became weapons of killing, and it turned and suddenly fell.

When Kizuna raised his heavy hand to attack, the flying fragments exploded, and the demon Aria collided with his hand, creating a strong shock wave as if a tornado had occurred. , and the distance between the two is 10 meters. very far away. , the whole face disappeared.



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