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第42章 影子之舞

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``I'll see you next time.'' Li Jia'an took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to spend money. I will definitely e again if I have the chance.

“Then, we look forward to your visit.” Linlin had no regrets and never forced money from customers.

"His" Li Ka'an woke up, and the first sun stung his eyes, and then he felt great pain all over his body, especially the back of his head, which felt like it was being torn apart, as if his brain was trying to separate from his body. was. .

"Li Jia'an, a former member of China's mysterious group Twelve Branches, the mander of the Tiger Group, and a first-class mysterious operative, is equivalent to the current S-class investigator. Due to normal influence, Lord Yellow Sand, He was retired and working for a mysterious group specifically to deal with psychotic disorders.He was being treated at a mental health facility run by the group, but suddenly escaped two weeks ago... Is there anything wrong with what I said?”

Li Jiang looked around and saw a white-haired man with a fox-like smile walking slowly in his field of vision.

226 people chose the alliance

Similar to occult groups in the Shenzhou area, the Anomalous Creatures Foundation in the New York area also has an investigative unit in the Limsey area that is responsible for anomalous events in the area.

As times changed, this organization merged with dozens of smaller organizations in the surrounding area, centered around the Tengenkai in Sakurajima, so the organization came to be called the Tengen Alliance.

The fox-faced man who appeared in the ward at an unknown time was from the Korean Alliance. Li Jian was fully aware and mentally prepared. Looking at his activities in Sakurajima, it will be difficult to avoid the eyes of the Korean Alliance.

Li Jian'an did not answer the other party immediately, but felt his condition. My whole body was hurting, but I was strong and generally in good spirits. It appears that the experience of traveling to the afterlife did not leave any fatal effects on him. Hidden danger.



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