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大家在看我孙悟空无敌2彼岸世界 凌天战神 无敌神婿 遮天记 我不会武功 混沌小强 朝仙道 九转帝尊 御兽时代:我的本命是神兽青龙 万法之上 
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第42章 影子之舞

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What is the root of Mimiko and Hanako's curse?

The source of the video curse is the location where the deceased last dropped the video, which is actually easier to reason about and find.

However, the whereabouts of Mimiko and Hanako's bones were unknown. Those too were dropped, and the source of the curse could no longer be traced.

Ling Ling didn't answer in the affirmative: "Whether it's Yao Jensen, Mimiko, or Hanako, they are essentially just incarnations and manifestations of blessings. The negative factors they bring are not related to them. But that doesn't mean it is.'' Origin. "

Li Jiang was surprised and asked immediately. “President, could you please explain it more clearly and simply?”

“Well, let me give you an example.” Ling Ling thought for a while, clapped her hands, and seemed to have an idea, “Once upon a time, there was a small town where there lived a famous fool. There was another town known for its famous scholars and knowledge.'' Despite their differences, the two have been friends since childhood.

One day, the scholar suddenly passed away. He was murdered by his unfaithful and greedy wife and lover. When the fool heard this, he murdered the scholar's wife and the entire family of his mistress... ...Now let me give you the following example, do you understand?"

So abstract! Li Jia'an couldn't help but plain, but understood what Ling Ling meant and nodded. .Finally act. That's it.''

"I know what to do. Thank you for clearing up my doubts, Boss Lin." Li Jian'an said sincerely.

Ling Ling smiled, waved her hand, and said the most charming words in a gentle tone: "Would you like to buy something?"

He Jia'an was a little moved when he heard this, but thought that he had already bought the New Year's red envelope, but while receiving blessings with the New Year's red envelope, he still didn't know how much price he should bring. did. . If he still had a contract with Boss Lin, I feel like he could genuinely live a longer life.



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