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第38章 Nyxathoria

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The truth was more shocking than Clark expected, but it was Miller who made it even more unbelievable.

"Me Li Ah, you too..." Clark looked at Me Li Ah in shock.

Miraie was confused when she heard this, and shook her head in a panic, saying, ``I don't know, I don't understand anything...''

"Don't you know? Why don't you know?" Hera laughed. "If you read my memories, you would have realized that our mothers are the same person."

Miraie seemed to collapse a little and held her head in resistance. "How is that possible? How is that possible... you're lying!" he shouted angrily, raising his head.

"Did I lie to you? You'll understand once you're one with us." Valente and Hera suddenly laughed strangely, and their fused bodies of flesh opened like aspic and crammed inside. . All protrusions are "eyes" that look around. They are both eyes and teeth. Their bodies open and close, and their eyes collide with each other with a tingling sound.

The fusion monster approaches Miraille, and their open bodies form a pair and move towards Miraille.

Suddenly, a figure appeared and threw the frightened Miraille to the ground. The two rolled on the ground, avoiding the fusion monster's "bite".

``Do you still want to resist fearlessly after what has happened?'' Valente said matter-of-factly. "Forget it, there's only one ultimate ruler in this world, and you're just a germ. I'll kill you anytime. If you want to resist, it starts with you."

Clark looked again at the mountain-like fusion monster surrounding him and Miraille, but his heart felt cold and he didn't know what to do for a moment.

His eyes wandered wildly, and suddenly he noticed that red shoes appeared in front of him. As the red shoes walked gracefully in front of the wall of flesh, a huge space opened up, as if an irresistible transparent giant had forcibly broken through the ring created by the fusion monster.



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