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第38章 Nyxathoria

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As Clark continued to listen to Valente without saying anything, he felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

``Yes, in this world, everyone except the people inside the castle are imaginations added by the brain in accordance with the logic of the fantasy world.Here, the status is fake, the money is fake, and the materials are all fake.'' Yes, it's not real. ” As Valente said, he clapped his hands and continued to caress Hera's face. There was a look of sadness and joy on Hera's face.

``If you want to escape from here, you must control this spiritual world, otherwise you will not be able to break through the spiritual barrier.'' Valente said with a mysterious smile, ``Originally, we are alive and the wonders of this world. Unfortunately, Bluebeard and I are one of the few flawed humans in this world with the urge to kill, but only Bluebeard knows how to use magic. Ta.

When Bluebeard and I worked together to kill Bluebeard, the first person in the castle, and use his body as material for magic, we succeeded in contacting a great being within the gap in the spirit barrier. Intsikup, the inner sage who gazes into the shadows of all things!

Intsikup's eyes allow us to see the truth of the world. If you want to leave this false world, you have to kill everyone, and after they are killed, they are sacrificed to Inzukup, and Inzukup can turn into him. Because of my wealth of knowledge and power, if I return to reality from here, I will be the closest being to an alien god. ”

``I don't believe you!'' Mr. Clark denied his opponent's statement. He pointed at Hela and said, "If I have to kill everyone to get back to reality, why is she still alive?"

When Valente and Hera heard this, they both laughed madly.

The two heads were connected by an outstretched neck, and then strangely fused into one. The figure was half male and half female. they said in unison. "It's not just ourselves, because we are whole individuals by nature. And so is Slaanesh on Bluebeard, and... Mirael, the little maid of justice next to you! We are all , e from humans” They are called Eve and we are her split spirit incarnation! ”



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