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第115章 34.23

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I'm sure these creatures don't look like zombies. It's hard to tell if energy crystals are growing on top of their heads.

But Liu Mingyu also discovered that the creatures inside should not receive any stimulation. Company executives seem uninterested in increasing their power. So I think they want to hide in public places like this. "

Black shadow: " ..."


After leaving the old house, Chen Mo's mentality became very plicated. "

Jian Ba stood at the front of the crowd, holding a gun in his hand. But he was also a leader. It would be foolish not to understand your opponent's intentions. "

After killing so many times, Jianba's eyes were full of blood. He was even more terrifying at this time, making people feel scared when they saw him.

Following Liu Mingyu's instructions, Wang Huairu quickly found the brand of equipment. Chen Mo asked.

Qi Anyuan is worried that the same thing will happen in the real world.

A new project has been created.

"Director Zhang, our team has just received an order to build the border wall. Your village does not need many things. I will transfer many things to you."

I hope they will use their talents and work hard with Liu Mingyu to achieve a breakthrough as soon as possible.

Zhao Ziliang saw the Tongtian Pillar climbing into the clouds and reached the edge at a glance. He couldn't help but sigh: "Isn't this the Babel Pillar you found later?" That was... well, you always said that Edsel Armstead caught you. "

If it settled permanently underground, this low-altitude early marriage would penetrate Earth's thin atmosphere and reach deep into the universe. Are you a criminal police officer? Why do traffic police fine you?

The same applies to other international panies.

The Tower of Babel in front of us only allows creatures with special markers to enter the gene series.



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