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大家在看家有外星女友 都市阴阳师(都市灵剑仙) 恐怖都市 无限进化 御鬼者传奇 我能偷走敌人资源 网游之剑刃舞者 快穿:女配又苏又甜 我在末世斩巨兽 无上恶魔之神 
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第113章 23

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Qingfeng Tower is much larger. Three years after pletion, most of the greenery has grown. The overall appearance is still very good, which makes Liu Mingyu very happy. After all, people who are aware of their perception want to hide their level, and it is difficult for people who are not aware of their perception to see this flaw.

Before the two of them spoke, Zhao Ziliang asked: "What's going on with the guy behind me?

A space elevator is a device designed to lift people into space, much like a special elevator.

But in fact, Liu Mingyu didn't even finish 1/3 of the distance.

This weapon has never been auctioned and is usually stolen by many people as soon as it is released.

I'm sure if I went back now it might be too late.

Jiang Pen took the first step on his own and entered the Black Tiger Breeding Park. "

As he spoke, he took out a pack of pressed biscuits and asked to open it.

Liu Mingyu could originally see things within a kilometer radius, but now I can ignore them as quickly as later.

“So what exactly is under the Tower of Babel?

Because these people really know.

Is it really possible to plete the task without any problems? "

"You want money!

Both are powerful and destructive, capable of withstanding horrific explosions. "

Li Fangran gritted his teeth and began to talk about all the strengths of the Zhao family gang. If I am correct, this will be a global disaster that cannot be mitigated in the short term.

Xiao Qidi was not surprised. The leader didn't know the situation yet, so why did he ask?

"I didn't paint! Why build it?

"Captain Fan, when will our assessment start?

Before reincarnation, Du Fei left school on the first day of the apocalypse and wanted to take the train home, but since all trains stopped running, he stayed at the station and was kidnapped by the mob. The next night, he witnessed a horrifying scene of corpses dancing in the chaos. He is a black man. "



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