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第112章 23

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However, Huo Ye was not interested at all. Looking back now, Bhatia's eyes were actually slightly purple. After listening to her words, Huo Ye felt that Pandora's words could be believed.

On the other hand, the strongest boy who volunteered first felt a little sad and lost.

To be honest, Chen Mo had never seen anything like a black shadow in front of him in hundreds of years in his previous life.

Were these creatures discovered at the Tower of Babel?

Looking at the giant tank that did not e down the ladder, Brother B ordered again but refused. He immediately remembered what happened and shouted into the inter: "Li Fangran, I'm going to kill you!"

It seems that, as Zhao Ziliang said, the Tower of Babel is only open to creatures outside of the gene series with a mon symbol.

Su Huiqing's sister often told Su Huiqing to try it if she wanted to, but Su Huiqing always shook her head silently and refused.

So this is consistent with sealing. Zhang Hao explained.

"Who asked you to put me to sleep!

As soon as Huo Ye entered a calm game state, he felt extremely relaxed. He plans to sit on the tallest Ferris wheel in the world and admire the beautiful city of Sola. "

"Director Zhang, look. There is no PAM, there are other ocean-going fleets, aren't there fifty-three fishing boats?

Are there doors to other areas?

What tissue can leave symbols in the genes of an organism? ;

Bai Feng heard this and shouted: "You are thinking about your mother and leaving here. Well, you can do it."

In addition, it is the weekend, so pared with the crowds ing and going in Nanhu Tower, Qingfeng Tower is much deserted.

Liu Mingyu's current height is about 40,000 meters. "


According to statistics from the Doomsday Technology Era, the Asian continent has nearly four billion residents, accounting for approximately 65% of the world's population.



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