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第110章 23

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But they threatened us with force and put us in cells. "

Wengdie was speechless, he didn't expect such a thing to happen!

Considering the specific destination, Zhao Ziliang did not follow the movement slowly as before. I came here specifically to talk to you today!

“Monsters don’t fall until they die.

So you can feel good for the first three of these ten days. After three days, the entire body begins to lose strength, and then glycogen is rapidly depleted. When glycogen is unavailable, fat is used. Finally there was no more fat and I could only eat protein. You can't put any more pressure on me, so I decided to sleep here tonight! Liu Xing took out a cigarette, lit it, and said, "You came here specifically to help me end my retreat, and now you can actually master super powers?"

One report after another, no one pleted it.

This would certainly be problematic if brought to our attention.

Mr. Tang Qingliu agreed. He experienced three years of hardship and misfortune in his youth. He knew the horrors of hunger and allowed himself to hoard food. But his ability is indeed limited and he cannot directly influence the decision-making level. For a moment, he felt a little uneasy.

Judging from his feelings, it is unlikely that there is a source of power like the Thunder Hammer.

Hearing what Du Fei said, he was a little interested and waited for her to follow him.

Qin An, who hadn't eaten all day, was already hungry. The fragrance exuding from Wengdie's body. Qin An couldn't tell whether this was a woman's body scent or a human body scent!

“We’d better move on.

When Weng Di sat down, Qin An didn't see the ball. Not only did he regret it, but he also said, "Why are you sitting down again?"

Du Fei hesitated several times with his fingers and almost shot, but he was afraid that he would accidentally hurt an innocent person.



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