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第95章 41

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Xinchen Group does not have to have its own style.

However, since he chose to build a space elevator in the real world, he had to cooperate with several small panies underground. "

"Now he has to think about my day."

Stephen paused, then added:

"Actually, there is also 3%. It was 10% at first, but after some hard work, we changed it to 3%."

Regarding the emergence of the next solar storm, both the national level and the people of various countries have shown great interest in the wider world.

Its speed is about ten kilometers per day. "Brother Ao rolled his eyes, looked at Huo Ye like crazy, and then smiled: "What's the reason?

As for the development process, Stargate is expected to take less than a year to plete. "

Lelimi cuts multiple munication channels for each crystal puter. Whenever the words "Og, Grupa" were mentioned, he would interrupt.

Two days later, all three left. Now they go to bed. When a person sleeps, his channel is shared equally with everyone else. Two hours later, they left the bedroom and became other people. channel. Next person.

Zhang Chongxin was scared, "Xiaohao, don't you know Consul Ji?

It's strange, why does it appear like this outside? help me!

On the contrary, the flag of the fugitives has been raised, and the meeting between you two is like dry wood meeting fire, and no one will favor you.

Yu Chaomu sat up straight, holding his sword as usual, and then remembered that Qin Yan had already disappeared outside the underground mall.

He looked directly into the mutant rat king's eyes.

This science center is even studying how to use crystals as energy sources for various means of transportation, so that this field can develop in the future. Being able to fly to far places in a short time is no longer a dream of people.



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