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第76章 后记9241.41

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Do you think small black holes are some kind of portal to space?

Bai Feng stood there and said, "You have no grudge against me. If you want to go, I won't stop you."


Placing 1,000 defense ships here is not enough. What's more, he was still injured and was no match for Bai Feng.

But of course you don't need money.

“It’s not a big problem, I don’t have the building materials that the government promised me before, it’s just the normal price.

"Boss, I don't mind, this is the power of the Sword God, let us both see each other's power!

All this is still unknown.

"Mr. Minister.

After a busy day, it was already past four in the afternoon.

After all, the size of a child's cage is quite large.

place an order.

The next second, Wang Huairu gradually appeared in front of Zhao Xiliang. "

Liu Mingyu nodded slightly and agreed with Zhao Xiliang's statement.

Ziyue possesses a weakened version of the Star Destroyer Cannon, but it does not have the ability to be used in large quantities. "

Huo Ye looked at Alice and said, "Don't you want to eat the delicious food in Gucheng again?

The previously appeared space portal to the new world was blocked.

Mutton money at Hulan base.

Although Bai Feng has only been at the station for a day, he has already heard about Ma Yong's story. "

Yu Chaomu was angry, holding the rice spoon in both hands and kneading the rice grains in the bowl with his chin.

"This man is really angry. If I stay here properly, how can I hurt his wife?

Even if something unexpected happened, he could escape without any danger. "

Zhao Ziliang quickly remembered.

"I don't know, just once. I can't think too much now. Can you just leave?"

Feng Jian Liuli shook his head and said: "No, my home is far away, so I'd better leave early. I'm just a puppet. In this case, it will directly confuse the other party's understanding.



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