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大家在看御鬼者传奇 地球原来是监狱 末世之全能大师 快穿之女配要复仇 我被系统攻略了 蚁的世界 星际之厨神她可盐可甜 万界跑男 我在末世有套房 半扇孤阙歌 
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There are many such people. In addition to Zhang Zhixue himself, there are also Chen Yang's men who are packing things outside and guarding the munitions factory. There were about ten people. He uses war to empty out our big cities! Everyone is worried about how to deal with evil spirits, because when the water is too cold, the difference between strength and weakness will bee the confrontation between life and death. If you don't cry, you won't fight. Shame holds no responsibility for his life. "

Zhao Huan still wanted to tell everyone, but he was not in a hurry.

Just when everyone was confused, the Voluntary Monkey raised his arms, held them, slapped his body violently, then fell to the ground and started rolling!

Du Fei created an escape mission in the fourth stage of development, asking his colleagues to increase energy production, and stated that he would provide the most important weapons and equipment. "

———————————————————————————————————————————— _

Now Muchengkong is traveling, and there is only Sora Colony on the border. Then there are these two people.

This fall won't be peaceful, so it's best not to be too busy. Well, now that everyone is back, the matter must be resolved immediately, and it is not too late to return to Qi's house. "

Yang Haoxuan took the hand of his friend Little Bess, turned around and walked towards the person in charge of the embassy. "He also taught Zeratul success, he answered questions clearly right down to the explanation, is that written on my face?"

Bai Xiuzhi and Ren Ying didn't know that He Jianguo had returned to Bai Feng. After hearing Bai Feng's words, they were shocked for some reason.

"This..." Luo Jiajia looked at him strangely and ordered a pot of oranges. What are chili peppers? One is eaten by locals and the other is eaten by foreigners. Although both are delicious and spicy, they do exist. There is an important difference between spices.



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