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the price of collecting the soul is not small. For each other, maybe he has forgotten you, and it will be many years before I think of you. Negative events, if necessary, you should start thinking about.

Shangguan Yudie walked up to Huo Ye , knelt down, looked at him and said, "I can't answer you, but I can go with you. If we change our names, we can treat him as a friend."

To not feel ashamed.

Chen Haoren touched his head and said from a distance: "Wow, that's strange. I just saw a man named Huang in the sky. Where is he?

Zeratul immediately flashed with light, trying to avoid the energy arrow. However, under Ouyang Xiu's power, the energy arrow began to rotate and followed Zeratul.

Qin An has always disliked Qin Hui, but at this moment, only such people can use it, so he said: "Be careful!

"What's going on? There are probably ten thousand people in this darkness! Something terrible happened, a monster appeared, it's okay."

Orochi was angry now, so it would be unwise to do this at the height of his anger.

Leylin understood , got up, returned to the ship, and entered the indoor switch. Eight people could enter here. This time, Leylin was the only one inside, which was convenient. Just when Yin Xiaoping's hand was about to touch Li Xinyue, Liu Xing immediately grabbed the shadow movement technique and quickly grabbed Li Xinyue. Twenty thousand surviving monsters attack, and their numbers alone can destroy the entire base.

After returning to the car, Xue Qian quickly forted:

“Brother Yang, be patient, this place is not big, and some things are unavoidable.

The first generation of evolutionary medicine has not yet emerged. Although the first generation of drugs has been developed, it may take some time.

After the Chu family learned that their daughter had recovered, they finally became happy and finally remembered that something needed to be calculated. "



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