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大家在看快穿恩仇路:妖女要佛系 全位面都跪求反派女主做个人 快穿之女配要复仇 我被系统攻略了 快穿:病娇男主的怀中娇 我在末世有套房 快穿之炮灰不伤悲 末世无限夺舍 半扇孤阙歌 无限侵噬世界 
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He didn't expect that Liu Rou would decide to surrender on her own after defeating him!

Du Fei would not let others know about the exchange , so he could only say that his energy could change matter. "

Standing up, Zhong Hanyu raised his head sadly, hugged his back tightly, put his forehead against the blood on his forehead, and said:

"No, you insult me, I let you insult me, I let you insult me for the rest of my life, I won't cry anymore.

Just when Ouyang Xiu shouted, there was a 'pop' sound, and the energy arrow pierced Du Fei's body, releasing a ball of blood, which immediately poured into the solid blood at the hot spot.

This is actually Qiao Jin's second goal. And you... are still breaking the law! "

After the tall forty-five-year-old man finished speaking, he knelt down and kicked Qin Yi several times, knocking Qin Yi unconscious .

Where are people?

The energy around him seemed to be slowly released again, which made him a little scared. After all, this was the energy he longed for.

Ivan talked for a long time, but he was still not satisfied with the word "I" because he did not hide himself a thousand times as expected. When he was about to say something, he saw Su Xiaoya raise her head. Looking at Su Xiaoya's rosy face, big eyes, small nose, perfect face, and beautiful lips, Yi Wen didn't want to leave for a moment, so he lowered his head and kissed her face.

"is it possible?

It will kill x number of unfit people. "

In the eyes of classmates, this is a long-term dream.

Obviously, this move shocked not only Qingling, but also the giant snake standing above his closed eyes. "

Huo Ye said this in an angry tone and seemed confused. "

"It protects the body from injury, protects the body from attack..."

"The law of [Resentful Spirit Barrier] is similar to a regional ability. It can confuse the enemy and give you an advantage. Or is it some kind of weapon?



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