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第244章 7

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Zhao Boguang was taken aback, and in the midst of the explosion, he looked at Blue Crane in surprise.

"The Chilean said he's going to announce a news today. Why is this news so strange? Su and Gunther?"

Suzi withdrew her gaze and then looked at Song Yan beside her, saying:

This battle is between our Oruto culture and players, so I hope you don't get angry.

The reunion of two Liu Xing is weak for Liu Xing, who has lost a lot of his right hand. This time, it is just a good thing for Liu Xing.

Consul, you said it very seriously. They must not have any intention of confronting the central government, otherwise they wouldn't let people like Chen Chuan in. Do you think this is true? They said it. It is true, both of them have the same power. If we really fight, we won't separate!

At this moment, Elia and Yaya demons will immediately "hit" according to Du Fei's mand, appearing as holding hands.

The weather finally cleared up. It has to be said that Shangguan Yudie is the most dangerous monster on the battlefield!

Paul Leah, Enga Zuag!

After a detailed examination, I found that my problem was very big after a while!

"This is not this place. In Chile, the governor suddenly removed all the leaders from the mining area, which scared many people. Can we tell you where you want to go?"

Actually, it's not necessary. If you save him, it's like buying his life. His life will cough, and his life will aggregate to stimulate his spirit.

Song Yan had some doubts and immediately said:

Is it really that simple?

Shi Jianguo frowned and said, "Bai Feng has already said that if necessary, he will help us deal with the death incident in Taizhuang."

Yang Huaqing put a cigarette into the enemy's hands.

You know I'm here to meet people, the person I'm looking for is in the food business, so I have to go there and don't go with me anymore.



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