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大家在看万古神帝 万古一帝 我宅了百年出门已无敌 创世十二乐章 天道天骄 终极无敌神尊 诛神天界 龙焰苍穹 唯我独尊 魅医倾城:逆天宝宝腹黑爹 
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Junior Brother Dingyuan, you are still alive! Great, Amitabha. "The old monk with the explosive bag on his back showed surprise and praised my Buddha's mercy, so he decided not to die together anymore.

Giant zombies are still pounding the building, crushing the coffee shop to pieces with all their heart, but they don't realize that their target has quietly slipped away.

The three old monks, holding onto each other in the shape of a rabbit, quickly ran a hundred meters away. Just as they were about to escape from the Heavenly Sky, the remaining blood stains on their bodies were discovered by giant zombies.

The large zombie, who was engaged in demolition work, suddenly realized that Gouri's target had run away and was in a state of anger. He bounced on the ground like a wild ox injected with stimulants, charging towards the three old monks.

As the three monks were stunned, one sounded.

Three senior brothers, dodge! "A large monk appeared at the intersection in front of the street where the monks were fleeing, wearing a missile launcher.

It's a monk again!

This monk is extraordinary. He is 2.2 meters tall and has a surprisingly large physique, looking like a sturdy giant.

The giant was carrying a missile launcher, with four Nipton guided missiles flashing terrifying lights on the launcher.

Upon seeing this, the three monks were overjoyed and lay down together, covering their ears. At almost the same time, the missile launcher on the shoulders of the tall monk emitted a thick flame and smoke, and the four missiles started in sequence, firing fiercely at the giant zombie like a dragon rising from the abyss.

The massive zombies, like rutting bulls, are rapidly advancing in a straight line. They don't want missiles ing towards them, so they are unavoidable and disdainful to avoid them. They directly e into close contact with missiles with a roar!



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