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Wang Qiang led his troops to quickly advance along the street corner, and the explosion of artillery fire could be clearly heard not far away. The battlefield was not far away.

Wang Qiang gently pushed open a broken door that blocked the way, and a terrifying figure suddenly flashed around the corner. The figure finally slowed down and rushed directly towards Wang Qiang.

Zombies! "A soldier behind him let out a low roar, subconsciously raising his gun and about to shoot.

Wang Qiang whipped his leg on the neck of the zombie, with a speed that exceeded the reaction speed of the soldier lifting a gun.

The sound of "card erasing" was heard, and the head of the zombie was kicked away, causing its body to collapse suddenly.

This is a junior zombie, very weak, don't worry. "Wang Qiang explained a few words without any concern, and then continued to lead everyone forward.

After walking more than a hundred meters, several figures suddenly flashed into the buildings on the street. Wang Qiang immediately exclaimed, "Hide, hurry

At that moment, a shuttle of bullets came from the sky and hit Wang Qiang's feet.

Stop, who are you? "A soldier with a gun emerged from the roadside shelter ahead, charging fiercely at Wang Qiang.

In the battlefield, both enemies and friends are in great danger.

Wang Qiang glanced at Yu Kuan and swaggered forward, shouting, "I am from the Staff Department of the Thirteenth Army, which part of you are

Upon hearing Yu Kuan's words, the soldier carrying the gun in front burst into tears and said, "Are you really from the Staff Department? Oh, my goodness, finally we have arrived at Shangfeng

Yu Kuan chuckled and said, "Let's make a move, we still have to go and execute people

After making a gesture to the soldier on duty in the building, the soldier ran to Yu Kuan and saluted, asking, "Sir, are you reinforcements



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