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第95章 无光深渊

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However, seeing that Nancy has lost her abilities, the Lord God has no intention of killing her, and the target is still Qi.

Book of fools 158 (51)

In this case, An Qi could do nothing.

Faced with such a huge beast, a cold and trembling beast, Angel, who was only a human, was not impressed.

His thin arms were no match for the enemy, and his frail body was no match for the godlike beast that could destroy war machines at will.

As a high-level scout, Qi did not have a strong fighting ability, and the personnel provided by the Trojans were not very good.

The devices that An Chi had planted against that beast seemed useless, and even if he tried to pete with it, it was like something that happened in a dream.

His eyes looked at her energy and his feet started to dance.

It was as if the ground shook and he lost the power to fly.

Looking at the dreamlike beast, An Yi's mind could not think of any good thoughts.

A fearful and sad state came over him, and he could not even speak.

He didn't know anything, all he knew was that there was no way this beast was going to let him go.

At least I don't understand why this beast appeared in this place, and why it came here is a mystery.

And it seems that there is no desired effect that the tool can rely on.

The bullet hit the monster's body, but failed to penetrate the enemy's vital points, causing the monster to "bee Buddha."

This type of weapon does not harm animals.

For Malaika, this is not unacceptable.

Living in a vast world, Angel must be aware of the existence of strange creatures, and know that the forces of culture are no match for such creatures.

Robots of destruction are used, but they can be easy toys against some powerful monsters.

Like the gun in Ani's hand, it's clearly a toy within a toy, and monsters aren't effective against powerful monsters.



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