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第95章 无光深渊

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Who are you?

Nancy was the only boy in the class who talked and looked at him strangely.

Lee Jereen, Lee Jereen. Edmund, it is not important to hear the name anymore. Haha, pared to these things, let's cut it, it's your job.

But unfortunately he is not an employee, but it seems like he is not.

said little Anki, and ran again.

Hey, there is such a thing as soul mates.

Maybe we still won't survive.

The little Angel answered, but Nancy hesitated.

Why did you e here if you knew you were going to die here?

If you want I will tell you the reason

The little angel looked into Nancy's eyes and said,

Of course, there are also financial issues, and I don't think anyone will receive that even if they are blessed by God if they get paid and go home, and I don't think anyone will accept that. imagine that a voluntary deceased would be open to this. In his mission, in that case we might die better. But we chose this place because we can't live, unlike rich people like you, we don't have everything to live, so the best chose death. through

The little angel said smiling.

This place gives us, as volunteers, time to have fun. You can use this location for free before you start testing. Best of all, you don't have to pay for anything, except for faith. I can't do anything.

Li Jerin also talked about the future.

I don't know who you are, but I hope that no one es here to die for any reason, except for harmless people. If you are not an employee, even if you are a reporter, do not leave work early and report later.

Actually, I'm not even a journalist.

Nancy spoke the truth and continued to be serious.

Actually, I am also a student here.

student? This school is Hope Academy, but no one knows that it is not a school, but only a human experiment center, depending on the content of the experiment.



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