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大家在看天神诀 超维机战 朝仙道 乾坤剑神 疯了吧!你真是御兽师? 御兽时代:我的本命是神兽青龙 长生武道:从太极养生功开始 我的法宝都是规则系 神狱之尊 医武兵王 
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第91章 Y'grakh的部落知识

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But since they were all in the same camp, everyone had something they didn't want others to know, so Frank wasn't too suspicious.

Aria's initial expression didn't seem to change from suspicion, and she took a slow breath as if to control herself.

Book of fools 139 (32)

Red blood, blood flows like fire.

He will fall from the throne of heaven and flow like an alpine spring.

I looked up to the sky and saw blood pouring out like a fountain.

His nose was bloody, but it was definitely human blood.

Logically speaking, the word "good" has nothing to do with it, and the smell of rust lingering in your nose will not make you happy no matter how you look at it.

However, at this time, this strange smell of blood has a mysterious power that attracts others, and they smell the smell of wine, which is the exact opposite of the smell of blood, but the smell is the same.

In fact, my head and heart can clearly understand something. The fiery liquid that fell from the sky was only blood.

But why am I hurt? There was no way he was reacting to the smell of blood like this.

Angel has an amazing sense of his personality and everyone he understands.

Is it really hard to understand why your body and mind behave the way they do?

It is difficult to understand and there is no way to understand it.

His eyes became less clear and more confused.

His gaze was so intense that his soul seemed to be half asleep and half awake.

At this time, the heart and mind seem to be asleep.

But despite this, An Yi understood that the place he was in was a strange place.

One is lost and wandering aimlessly.

He didn't know why he was here, what this place was, or what he was looking for.

A strange and contradictory world where even what people consider mon sense collides.

This world is pletely against reason.



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