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第91章 Y'grakh的部落知识

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What should we do about it? That's why I don't understand.

Did he really believe what he said?

Aria doesn't believe Love is right, but Frank doesn't.

So he had no choice but to continue explaining.

By the time the script is finished, the history of Cthulhu will be plete and more interesting to those involved in Cthulhu work than to you.

They will not accept it because they all know that it depends on the love of God whom they worship in the world.

Also, love foresees all things.

What the crazy woman said with a smile after speaking.

So, there is no need to worry at all. Everything is under control.

Therefore, it is very interesting that uncontrolled changes occur in the text that controls everything, causing great confusion.

Aria thought, but her face was blank.

An ending that is pletely inconsistent, no matter how interesting and entertaining, can be more interesting than a straight ending.

Authority? wish.

Frank turned away in response to Alya's words.

I don't know if Arya heard about it, but she knew that this guy, this girl, this character was pletely off script.

This is the Creator and the love behind the text.

His presence finally destroys everything, he is strong and powerful.

But at that moment, Aria felt she had to do something.

He was confused and felt he should return the email.

Then, as Arya walked to the other side, the shadow beneath her feet suddenly split.

The split part didn't last.

After half a second, the part immediately flashed like lightning, flowed into the darkness, and appeared in the darkness.

It suddenly changed from simple to three-dimensional, and the black body began to take on color.

Here, a person who looked like Alya appeared.

His eyes and legs were very hard and lifeless in his eyes.

She was no different from the doll that Frank described.



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