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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 九天剑主 帝霸 玄幻:诸天最强系统 超神妖孽 武碎星河 长生武道:从太极养生功开始 我居然不是诸天群群主 绝世邪神 宗门护道人 
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No one cares, this is not my real home.

Bani said hesitantly, opened the package of potatoes with both hands, put on headphones, ate the potato, watched a TV show, and managed to find AH without paying attention to even what thing How easy is it to go?

Nancy stayed in the room for a while. If you think of it as normal, there should be a reaction because you are not at home. As soon as this idea occurred to her, Nancy killed it and looked as if there was no one else in the room.

Besides, Veronica's God wouldn't lead her here without anyone. So, Nancy was pretty sure there was someone in the room.

This prompts Nancy to move, and she leaves the room and walks sometimes to the kitchen, sometimes to the living room, sometimes to the bathroom to do laundry. After changing my clothes, I continued on my way.

This time I went up the stairs to the first floor. The first floor was nicer than she expected, so Nancy went to her room.

I'll look for it next time.

Nancy said from the doorway. Only the sound is unknown, but so far only four rooms have been searched, and the probability is 1/4, so this time the probability is higher than before.

Nancy knocked on the door. I waited a minute and still no answer.

Nancy put her hand on the door and turned. I couldn't hear him on the floor because it was locked.

Nancy smiled, thinking she had found the right place, but it was hard to find and she had to go through several rooms before she realized she was there.

I raised my hand vigorously, but there was almost no fat left on my body, so it didn't spread. After careful consideration, Nancy decided enough was enough.

He nodded, then stepped back and slammed the door so hard that it flew off and hit the ceiling, so hard that a stone fell.


Malaika fell and the impact caused her to fall off the rocking chair and part of her foot landed on the potato foot without socks.



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