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大家在看万古神帝 我宅了百年出门已无敌 万古一帝 我孙悟空无敌2彼岸世界 帝霸 我的御兽真不是邪神 极乐轮回 隐婚,天降巨富老公! 系统:召唤武侠人物横推世界 宗门护道人 
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God who thought of making the summer should spend money, it is just a torture, but even with such torture the miracle has not e, how can I get salvation from the mosquito God?

Nancy went to Angel's house, where there is a temperature difference, 24-hour air conditioning, and the temperature is set at 11 degrees, so she feels that she is in heaven.

For smart people, this temperature should be called refrigerator temperature.

But for Nancy, who is hot outside, the temperature here is perfect and she feels better.

But the main problem here is that Nancy's knocker hit the door, leaving a big gap in the door.

This is enough for a ball with a diameter of 20 centimeters to pass straight through. Nancy realizes that this evil space has absorbed the Conditioner and sent it to the outside world.

Since the electricity bill is someone else's, there is no need to worry about it, and Nancy does not have to worry about electricity problems either.

But that means that the temperature here gradually increased, so Nancy quickly took off her clothes and sat here naked.

Anyway, if it's a one-way trip, you won't be bored even if the temperature drops.

Nancy looked familiar, but she ignored the owner of the house. An evil stranger who broke down the door and showed no courtesy or knowledge found someone else's electronic equipment? Especially when the bad guy never pays the electricity bill.

Of course, An Qi was at home this time, but he had sound-isolating headphones on his ears, and the music was playing because the movie player in front of him was playing "Haa Chu". Song He watches soap operas.



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