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第81章 探险开始

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I hope it doesn't take 10 times this time.

Arya thought it was impossible, but Arya couldn't defeat her opponent.

For example, the witch in Demon Soldier is supposed to be like the demon of God, but Aria is not like that yet.

Things like the spine are very important for 5 year olds.

Aria found a reason not to be afraid. Of course, it's not because she's a weak woman.

So, even if Villian is satisfied with the money he gave before, he doesn't feel threatened even if Arya bees mortal.

Aria now hoped that the man would finish what he wanted to say soon.

But going to a close friend's place is nonsense, I hear, even a fool like Aria won't agree to such a story, and I can understand Kuroba Shirei's bad attitude because Aria is a college student.

Wait, college?

Aria thought of something and reached out and took one of her hands.

So, do you understand? Everything you did in college?

right? Are you losing your memory? A little love.

Bailian was confused. But it's more curiosity than confusion, like asking why others have forgotten this memory.

How did this moment happen? Bai Lian felt that he had left the group with memories that he would never forget.

Have you forgotten?


Bai Lian suddenly felt that he had to give the other party an unforgettable memory.

Not knowing what Kurio was thinking, Aria looked at him with those same pure eyes.

Secretly making a decision, Bai Lian quickly put the idea on the back burner, knowing that Aria was in danger.

It's like a bomb that can go off at any time.

It was as if the big man sleeping inside Aria's body was slowly waking up.

If Bailian continues to inspire other parties like this, he will surely be finished soon.

So Byakuren decided to follow his opponent for a while.

I have to ask, but we met in second grade. you forgot What happened when we first met? This is the beginning of a beautiful dream.



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