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第81章 探险开始

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Suddenly, a strange sensation occurred.

This fear is the same for those who suffer and cannot eat.

Aria put her things in her suitcase and calmed herself down by looking at the banknotes scattered inside.

The terrible wind blew through broken windows, papers and papers.

But Aria ignored it and slowly chanted a mantra.

The wind stopped, and papers and documents were scattered on the ground.

But Aria didn't pass.

He sat quietly on the sofa.

Aria wondered, could it be gold silk?

This is a baseless assumption. However, Alia wants to burn all the banknotes.

Aria overes this terrible desire.

He must have been angry for a long time.

To stop this nonsense, Aria sang again.

In the next moment, a small piece of ice froze to room temperature and fell into Aria's lap.

Thorns of the storm entered the palm tree, and a red dot appeared on the small palm tree.

This shows that the small storm has fully penetrated.

The heat from the ice pick wakes Aliya up, but the sudden urge to turn causes Aliya's body to move involuntarily, making her injury worse.

However, Alya's thoughts almost ignored this madness and the pain quickly flared up and she was pletely on fire.

Aria did not feel the weight of her body.

He noticed that his body was slowly disappearing from anger.

He saw a confusing and unfathomable darkness, the darkest he had seen in years.

It was as if the darkness reached out and grabbed Aria, pulling her into a darkness she couldn't imagine.

The mocking voice of the devil reached his ears, and the sound penetrated his ears like an insect.

The body disappeared, melted in a terrible fire and disappeared into the darkness.

Suddenly, Alya was brought back to reality with a thump.

That worst and ugliest scene is over.

It's like a dream.



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