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第78章 公开战争的爆发

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In the next moment, chains filled with murderous intent attacked Gastour's body.

Infinite golden tongues rose up and became a river of destruction.

It seems he wants to pletely destroy Gastour, both physically and mentally.

However, despite this hope, Gastour did not look back, rather to fight Michel, who attacked him.

Because pared to that, Gastour has something more important to do.

That is, he sent an attack on Hadeg and sent a priest named Hadeg into the fire.

Gastour felt a deep familiarity that made him forget the warmth of his body and the fear in his heart.

However, his physical weakness and mental decline also slowed down his activities.

So, that's it for Michelle's new attack.

More chains passed over Gastur's body.

This golden flame made it seem as if he could not see his body and was bound by fire.

He has bee like a soul of fire, but if you see with your own eyes the condition of Gastur, you will understand the intensity of the pain that another person is experiencing at this time.

Strangely, it was not a flame, but a flame caused by Orgomon.

This fire, more dangerous than the fire of civilization brought by Prometheus, exists to torment others.

Burning swept the body and soul of others who sympathized with their loved ones into the abyss of pain.

It is a fire that burns forever, a fire that cannot be stopped.

This is the wrath of God incarnate, the sinner bound.

Realizing that if he attacked again, Hardeg would be pletely destroyed in mind and body before he could be killed, Gastur chose to avoid attacking his opponent.

Then, in a chain of chains, Hastur decided to run away from him.

The flame-kissed body also showed extraordinary abilities, and Michelle's chains were broken.

As if expressing his anger, the sacred weapon struck the ground, releasing divine power.



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