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大家在看万古一帝 帝霸 超维机战 废土之超强御兽师的快意人生 万古不死,葬天,葬地,葬众生 宗门护道人 生死丹尊 我是一把魔剑 地狱归来的圣僧 重生十万年 
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第73章 紧张局势升级

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Do you have siblings?

Now, I am a past life in this body, and in the past life, I was not the one. I say this, but in fact I began to notice the difference between me and the rest of the world because our thoughts began to contradict each other and some external things prevented it.

foreign matter?

Chizuna seemed curious too, in fact, even though she was a demon, she was always interested in what Arya had taught her in previous incarnations, but she was not interested and had no idea. secret

The only time he can be reincarnated after death is if he is killed in this city.

However, after many trials, I realized how terrible the cause of the disease here is, that it is like a beast in the flesh and a demon, and of course that the evil power is used by the devil. I realized that this is not a thing. People can fight against it.

This is because in his previous reincarnation, he was unable to resist the fingers of the enemy and his whole body was destroyed, and he was reincarnated again, starting a new cycle.

Therefore, Aria should not be allowed to meet him, if the two meet, this is the beginning of the secret path of divine evil, it is not a joke, at least to end in mystery It takes 10 centuries. There is munity and magic. It ends here, but he needs an important role. Chisner thought about the role. What is missing is the hand of God. In that case, the high priests would be powerless even if they wanted to use magic to call the gods. Because the old rulers, no matter how powerful their ideas, did not care about the will of the people.

However, if you have a priest, you can easily plete the task. Of course, this shrine maiden also has another name, and her name must be 100% a precious sacrifice chewed up by the gods. In other words, by using the power of the gods and bining the sacrifice and magic to change the evil god, the power created is enough to break through the barrier of the Old Gods. The gate of the universe and this world is the ruler of all who enter it.



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