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大家在看我宅了百年出门已无敌 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 朝仙道 师弟求你别修炼了 永恒之门 星武耀 我居然不是诸天群群主 我是一把魔剑 地狱归来的圣僧 君临星辰 
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第66章 陷入疯狂

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Aria plained again. He didn't really know why he came to Bailian, and didn't say anything about it until now.

So, I am a visionary, and some say that the body will always grow old and ugly, but the soul will be eternal.

But as a mage, you know it's a lie, right? Saul's life is the worst, and one day his friend, who is as kind as an angel, will bee a devil.

Regarding the physical body, as far as I know, it is not difficult to have a body that has not changed for hundreds of years, and the speed of changing people's minds is extremely fast.

Sorry, I'm not really interested in your philosophy. Do you understand the literal meaning? Get the chest as soon as possible and don't put it back.

Aria replied harshly, obviously knowing that her opponent was deliberately twisting the truth, but she couldn't deny it. Since then, I have bee a mass of hatred because of the man in front of me. Your ability to stay positive is limited.

However, Bailian's attitude never changed, which Aria expected.

Bailian was like that when he was a student, and he never liked listening to other people's stories. He knows like God. I don't know if it's Aaliyah's imagination, but what's the truth behind chasing her dreams?

Aria had a headache and hoped that Kurobane and Hakurei would finish talking about their business and go home soon.

I told him to stop because it was difficult.

But I'm not happy

There is no need for such a thing because it is not mercial.

Aria thought about it for a moment, feeling a little unfortable, but whatever she thought, Aria moved both hands and her breathing quickly returned to normal.

Xiao Ai, did you really kick me out?

Bailian said in a crying voice, and then cried, "God, how old is she, little girl?" It must have been intentional, yes, because Aaliyah could see the smile in the man's eyes. , the bad guy smiled. while crying, but it shows in his eyes.



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