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大家在看开局废了,我开启最强进化 天神诀 超维机战 朝仙道 终极无敌神尊 乾坤剑神 盗贼王座 长生武道:从太极养生功开始 我的法宝都是规则系 医武兵王 
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第61章 尤戈特

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Even though he was drunk, he quickly turned the situation around with a talking gun, and no two were forced to cooperate with the inmates.

First of all, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sziget. I am a really smart and simple person. You may not believe me, but you can probably guess who is the most active here.

The human survivors from the animal village? Juan does not believe in such nonsense.

However, one pulls out a gun and points it at his sister, wondering why John can see her in the dark. Maybe because human tuning abilities are so good, he sees what is happening in the dark and doesn't know what is happening now.

Sziget took his gun, relieved that at least there was no danger to cooperate, but knowing that he had the right to speak and that it would make both parties happy.

But it is impossible, and Sziget tries to change his position and thoughts, realizing that if he is a foreigner, there is no way to believe his words.

But what if this man of unknown origin has the power to kill aliens? Then his words will be true.

If he is really there, he looks like a deep diver. In other words, he has a gun and has the power to put people to sleep at any time. Strangers cannot stop him from making noise and attracting demonic beasts.

Well, if you have to do something, talk calmly and slowly.

Aria, holding her gun, calmly answered, without fear in her own voice, that it was not because she was not afraid of death, but that she should be afraid of death here.

Kill a wizard with a bullet? If necessary, you can always use psychic powers to make this person a vegetative state.

The mental and physical conditions of addicts are different from people, and even if the mind exchange is not successful, it does not interfere with the brain attack.



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