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第61章 尤戈特

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For a long time, Imboga was a fishing village. At that time I was a young and poor fisherman. Even though their daily ine is limited and their life is not rich, they are very happy. .

At that time, Imboga was a village that believed in God until now, when a captain named Gambaro returned. He was a great man who found the golden road and brought the treasure.

One day he went to the church and said we don't need a God who can't answer, I saw a God who can answer, he killed the priest in the church and worshiped a god named Dagon. .

Since then, people have abundant resources, the sea, and gold, the countryside is rich and poverty-free, and the poor have at least three large gold boxes.

"When I drink alcohol, the stories are told to me like flashbacks," Aria replied.

That's amazing, the man named Dagon (Note 2) is a good god.

Arya had never heard her god's name before, but she began to hear what she knew in her head. Yes, it was God. But I can't remember, can't remember, and finally I have to think about it. wonder

No, this is the beginning, Dagon requires a blood sacrifice, anyone who does not believe in Dagon will be killed by the priest.

No matter how it sounds, the only thing that separates the opponents is the clergy.

That's why my parents were killed.

Your parents seem very strict.

Then Dagon became greedy and required many blood sacrifices, which would make him happy. You don't need faith or human blood sacrifices, even if it doesn't do you any good, you need it to have fun. , with human life and dignity.

However, there were no foreigners left, so Dagon stopped giving blessings. To gain God's blessings, the dragon and Dagon went mad, killing and hunting people for fun, but they were no longer aliens. We have arrived.

This is really bad.

When John heard this, he understood the feelings of the villagers and animals who did not want to live here if possible, and he felt the same when he heard about the death of his girlfriend. in surgery



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