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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 凌天战神 九域剑帝 创世十二乐章 魔帝缠身:神医九小姐 我,装了三年废物,出手人间无敌 刀剑天帝 猛虎下山,全城恭迎秦先生! 长生武道:我有一具玄水蛇分身 绝世邪神 
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第49章 最后的对抗

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It seems that the village chief's eldest son has passed away. The old village chief went to bury his son. He's not here today, and it's not convenient for him to meet visitors these days.

Mr. Fang Maki understood and suggested, ``This time, the old village chief has been very helpful to me. Your son has passed away. Let's give some incense to him. Please don't refuse.'' Did.

Even so, the grandmother did not refuse. He nodded silently and led Fang Mu to the ancestral shrine behind the house.

When Fang Mu entered the ancestral hall and saw the black and white portrait in the dark room lit by red candlelight, all the muscles in Fang Mu's body immediately tensed, and he immediately lowered his head and looked at it. I covered it. Shock and awe. eye

that's it! Execute that mander! He... was actually the son of the old village chief!

Fang Mu’s brain was suddenly shocked, and his expression was a little uncontrollable. As if he did not know who the person in the portrait was, he suppressed his fluctuating emotions, solemnly lit the incense stick, and remained silent. All the way back to where we stayed.

By the time he returned to the room and closed the door, Juan Mu was exhausted, leaning against the door, collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily, and felt dry for a while.

He took a breath of dry air and pulled out a dark blue cloth that he had hidden in a hidden pocket inside his coat. In his head, a flashback flashed back to the scene in which he fought a frog that attacked him in the dark in a cave in a farming village. .

He remembered stabbing a hole-filled man with a nail and slamming the man's head into a puddle of mud with a hammer. The other person's blood and pale flesh splattered all over his body. During the fight, he tore the cloth from his opponent's clothes, and it has stuck to the wound ever since. No one noticed because he held it tightly due to his nervousness and never loosened it.



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站内强推玄鉴仙族 那个学渣要上天 神道丹尊 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 废武魂?我,逆天进化,震惊世界 我娇养了未来帝君 全球游戏:我只想静静的刷成就 梦中修行,从凡人到至高 绝世战魂 游北戏南 皇后是朕的黑月光 星修传之六灵剑神王 疯了吧!叫你炼器,你把宇宙炼了 从斗破开始的万界冒险 崩铁:开局觉醒最强扮演系统! 猎魔手记 地球文明升级中 我靠吹牛发家致富 极致黑暗 穿书八零之极品婆婆有空间 
经典收藏小师弟要逆天 诡异星巫 我孙悟空无敌2彼岸世界 怪猎之我难道不是猛汉? 千心蛊 我在异界当山匪 无限复活的我越来越强了 玄幻:我的功法修炼能快进 我是土匪,屋里全是公主女帝咋了 斩妖除魔,开局获得六十年功力 斗罗:骑士之王 苍天万域 女王驾到腹黑少爷你好 系列之仙棍护妻日常 盛爷夫人是超级大佬 镇守凡尘三百年,我于人间无敌 师尊修为尽失,女帝徒儿狂喜 神话制卡师 诸天:给主角擦屁股的那些年 反派:埋葬众生,狩猎诸天 
最近更新无上道经【仙界篇】 玄幻:天命之子 植物大战僵尸续 重生后,我将娘子宠成了女帝 一天一个境界,诸天万界要破防了 西游:我唐僧,女菩萨们都夸我善 神末之下 九转长生 天象之主:从御雾开始 乞讨千年,被神女捡去当老公 徒弟全成圣,我躺平亿点怎么了? 万古至尊龙婿 让你修仙,没让你祸害修仙界 混沌帝皇 黑神话之被大圣敲死后他重生了 一魂双体的师尊,魔尊也是她 我才三岁,逆袭系统早来两百年 叶长生的传奇之路 虎先锋败了?那我召唤大圣 仙皇帝尊 
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