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大家在看九天剑主 魔帝缠身:神医九小姐 玄幻:诸天最强系统 终极无敌神尊 仙墨奇缘 御兽时代:我的本命是神兽青龙 隐婚,天降巨富老公! 伏天氏 都市捉妖人 诸天大佬降临 
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第43章 摩根博士

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Li Jian'an went down the stairs in silence for a while and walked step by step toward the campus gate.

Before leaving the gates of Kisaragi High School, Kaken couldn't help but look back at the school.

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the floor of this high school was covered with a green substance, and the school building was gradually covered with a gray mist. It looked like a tombstone and was filled with black smoke. , sneaky and mysterious.

Maybe the rumor that Kisaragi High School was built on a mass grave is not just a legend...

This is also the first time He Jian has set foot on the streets of a different world city. The scenery outside the school is sparser and crazier than inside the school. Part of the road is connected with unknown flesh and blood, trembling on the ground, the trembling heart is exposed inside the animal, as if it were a giant, and all the dummies and sculptures that cover the streets and alleys of the city are his ``We are monitoring the movements of the people,'' which is strange. eye

Animals in other worlds are like hungry wolves. They saw a hunter with a gun who lived in the Forest of Flesh and Blood. Perhaps they were afraid of getting hurt. Or maybe he wasn't hungry enough to go crazy and risk everything. So they waited patiently for the hunters to slowly disappear. In the forest, he finally couldn't resist and collapsed.

Of course, they may be waiting for the hunger to end. This is when instinct swallows reason and you rush forward desperately trying to tear the animal apart.

If you hear the animal sounds and feel the animal's fear, you will get more delicious food. Moreover, your taste buds in their hungriest state will be pletely released, allowing you to have the most perfect dining experience.

Li Jian carefully walked through the bodies and blood on the streets and the occasional swamp. He clearly knew that these things were connected to the main body of the catastrophe that almost engulfed the entire world. Once you touch it, you may not incur the wrath of a foreign god. However, just like mosquitoes that bother people, humans unconsciously and instinctively kill mosquitoes that land on their hands, even if they are not angry.



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站内强推玄鉴仙族 神道丹尊 烟雨楼 凡人修仙传 在美漫当心灵导师的日子 偏执男神,爱上瘾! 御兽,从银月天狼开始 梦中修行,从凡人到至高 重生80年代:开局迎娶女大学生 恶魔的专属:丫头,你好甜 穿越六零,惊现系统,玩转年代 慎爷今天失恋了吗 从斗破开始的万界冒险 武帝神体 重生之仙医狂少 穿呀!主神 低调高手 生死帝尊 星蒙修仙 极致黑暗 
经典收藏开局废了,我开启最强进化 全民领主:机械纪元 洪荒之荒天帝是我师 太极星神 万道天征 天元启示录 这位公子深藏不露 玄幻:我的功法修炼能快进 轮回中的轮回 斗罗:骑士之王 开局签到大威天龙镇狱劲 朋友,你这狐狸有点邪乎啊! 仙幻纪元 龙皇妖帝 西游:我,齐天大圣,绝不出山! 从剑宗杂役开始签到成为无敌剑仙 苟在武侠世界修仙长生 明撩易躲,暗贱难防 百万倍反馈:我打造诸天最强族 元素世界无限传 
最近更新西游:枪法也是法,弹道也是道 斩妖除魔:从庶子开始长生不死 穿越次元的旅程 炼蛊控尸养妖,似妖如魔是人 玄量 孙悟空:我若为魔,天下无佛 撸枪种田,创异世核谐! 意外的穿越之现实和动漫 别人修炼我模拟,苟到变强杀蝼蚁 行灵者 开局落魄质子,签到陆地神仙 苟在修仙界求长生 梦引生道:巅峰之路从入梦开始 天地台 西游记传说 父母偏心,断亲后成就杀神至尊 大妖君临 你们修仙我突破:神又奈我何? 梦归夏朝:拥有貔貅血脉不要太爽 时空之缘:黛玉与悟空 
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