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大家在看九域剑帝 超维机战 超神妖孽 极乐轮回 洪荒:隐藏万古的我被曝光了 隐婚,天降巨富老公! 长生武道:我有一具玄水蛇分身 长生武道:从太极养生功开始 我居然不是诸天群群主 变强从县令开始 
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第36章 暗影之舞

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This is not normal!

Because of this, Clark began to question the world, even this castle, the people here, and everything that was happening.

During the period when he lost consciousness on his way to Shinshu, he encountered some kind of abnormal situation, and he strongly suspected that he was still involved in it. Everything he experienced was unreal. There was a group that controlled everything. What are they doing to themselves or they just want to laugh at themselves!

Who are they and what do they want?

Clark covered his head and rubbed his head, trying to remember even the smallest bit of a forgotten memory.

Anyone would panic if they realized that there were countless invisible hands controlling them wherever they were. Of course, Clark is no exception.

Unfortunately, Mr. Clark was left scratching his head and could not recall any significant memories. For the time being all I could do was calm myself down and try not to think about it too much.

He held his pocket watch in his arms, stared at the slowly ticking hands, and murmured: “Is this broken pocket watch a memory of me?”

Clark looked at the tip and took a deep breath, then closed the cover of his pocket watch, placed it on his arm, and stood up to put on his shoes and get dressed.

He can't wait any longer and wants to know all of this, regardless of whether the others will sleep peacefully tonight or what they're doing now.

Before he can learn the truth about this world, he may first need to follow the wishes of the "people" who brought him here, find out the cause of Earl Bluebeard's death, and find the person who wrote it.

Clark didn't bring any lighting equipment with him when he went out today. As a myopic eye with limited vision, he relied on his naked eye, which was adapted for night vision.



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