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第33章 过去的回声

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A hole 9 meters in diameter appeared in the dilapidated interrogation room. The bottom of the hole was about 5 meters above the ground. One could say that Wang Zijing's twisted and deformed body had long since disappeared, or that he had been inexplicably killed within a short time. It was torn to pieces, splattering in a shocking cloud of blood that slowly settled in the broken interrogation room.

All rooms connected to the interrogation room were destroyed, and a series of cracks extended around them. Black slime spread all around, and a gray kitten spat at people. The smell and smell of blood became more and more pronounced.

"Ahem" When a person carelessly inhales the air containing the particles of Tsurugi, his face suddenly turns purple-black, and a flush spreads throughout his entire body. His eyes suddenly swelled, animal lust filled them, and holes appeared in the people around him. Wipe your entire body.

Yu Lianyun witnessed people who had accidentally ingested contaminated air and were contaminated with black mucus exhibiting very obvious abnormalities. His heart raced and he immediately manded him to "hold his breath and get out."

Everyone retreated, and only a few people affected by the unknown managed to maintain some sanity, chasing everyone as they fled the room, while the rest seemed to have been turned into bloodless animals. My body has changed. There is some degree of expansion and deformation.

Seeing this scene, Yu Lianyun couldn't understand what had just happened, and immediately grabbed Li Duojin's right hand and ran out.

The moment she held the other person's hand, Yu Lianyun was shocked to find that Li Duojin's body temperature was very low and her body was still very hard. He couldn't help but turn around and was frightened by the sight of Li Duanen.



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