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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 九天剑主 无敌神婿 极乐轮回 武碎星河 仙墨奇缘 乾坤剑神 隐婚,天降巨富老公! 长生武道:从太极养生功开始 全能反派 
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第17章 植物的低语,疯狂的迷雾

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This ``Miscellaneous Notes on the Transformation of Fish'' is a work written by Ye Gong, which has never been published outside the world. Even if what Zhang Xiaoxiao is holding in his hand now is just a copy of the "fan" that Ye Gong copied, it shows how precious it is. He probably read The Book in the Hand, the only surviving manuscript of Ye Gong's unknown works.

Zhang Xiaoxiao carefully opened the book, as if opening a taboo door. In his prehensive and open-ended record of strange events, he learns that this book was probably written during Ye Gon's final years, during his exile in Nanman, Haiti. At the time, he piled stories and personal experiences passed down from generation to generation by fishermen who depended on the sea.

When the story of the "phantom sea friend" es up in the book, Zhang Xiaoxiao explains that at the time, fishermen living in Nanman, Haiti, were spreading rumors about a strange animal called the "phantom sea friend." I knew.

There are many stories about animals like Jiaoren, and they often appear in various novels and stories about gods and monsters. Because it has a special physique that allows it to shed pearl-like tears, its upper body is that of a human, and its lower body is that of a fish. It looks beautiful and has a delicate body. Although they often appear as images of people being persecuted, the images included in the book ``Yu Bian the Ji'' are different, and some are quite the opposite.

Guihai Jiaoren also has a beautiful and mysterious appearance and a beautiful and sweet singing voice. Her pure and beautiful appearance has charmed countless sailors and fishermen who have heard her touching songs. And the people attracted by the song of Jiao Lian wanted to get closer to each other, to sail or swim in the direction of the sound, until they entered the fog, until no one came out of the fog. I had no choice. Apparently these people came to eat ghosts. .



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站内强推玄鉴仙族 神道丹尊 烟雨楼 凡人修仙传 玄幻:成为瞎子,我游历江湖 偏执男神,爱上瘾! 御兽,从银月天狼开始 梦中修行,从凡人到至高 重生80年代:开局迎娶女大学生 北宋振兴攻略 穿越六零,惊现系统,玩转年代 慎爷今天失恋了吗 桃源仙村 武帝神体 重生之仙医狂少 异世之圣痕 我穿成了极品婆婆 地球文明升级中 穿呀!主神 星蒙修仙 
经典收藏开局废了,我开启最强进化 全民领主:机械纪元 洪荒之荒天帝是我师 太极星神 人畜无害小师弟 天元启示录 这位公子深藏不露 玄幻:我的功法修炼能快进 轮回中的轮回 洪荒:获得内世界,孕育出了大道 开局签到大威天龙镇狱劲 朋友,你这狐狸有点邪乎啊! 醉梦江湖远 龙皇妖帝 西游:我,齐天大圣,绝不出山! 洪荒之鸿蒙世界树 我拥有万道神体 奥术之路 从剑宗杂役开始签到成为无敌剑仙 百万倍反馈:我打造诸天最强族 
最近更新西游:枪法也是法,弹道也是道 斩妖除魔:从庶子开始长生不死 穿越次元的旅程 炼蛊控尸养妖,似妖如魔是人 玄量 孙悟空:我若为魔,天下无佛 撸枪种田,创异世核谐! 意外的穿越之现实和动漫 别人修炼我模拟,苟到变强杀蝼蚁 行灵者 开局落魄质子,签到陆地神仙 苟在修仙界求长生 梦引生道:巅峰之路从入梦开始 九叔:系统,道术给我全加满! 苟道百年,开局被杀神女帝盯上! 无敌道尊 武道追踪寻真记 无上道经【仙界篇】 归零:星之所在 刚入圣地,就给人家老祖拐走了 
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