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大家在看这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 九域剑帝 无敌神婿 混沌小强 异界最强锤石 穿越修仙界:从卖鱼开始崛起 系统:召唤武侠人物横推世界 生死丹尊 魅医倾城:逆天宝宝腹黑爹 洪荒,从道门首徒开始 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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"Don't ask, don't look around," Li Yingqi said as he took out a metal ball from Li Jiahong's armored vest. When I pressed the button, the ball became oblate and split in two from the middle. , he placed two half balls half flat on Li Jiahong's left and right ears respectively.

A blast of intense sound waves seemed to pierce their eardrums. After Li Jiahong let out a painful scream, the whispers that had pierced his eardrums and continued tormenting his brain basically disappeared. His head was held down and all he could see was the ground. Strange and unusual sights disappeared from his eyes, and strange messages that occurred in this underworld were temporarily expelled from his brain, which allowed him to slowly recover. reason

Li Jiahong took a deep breath. He now realized what he had done. He walked through the city for two hours without stopping, eating or drinking, and without conserving energy. He was on the brink of death at the hands of a monster that might appear in the future. However, death may occur from respiratory failure due to exertion.

"Wife!" Li Jiahong suddenly remembered the bird that came down to earth with him. He couldn't help but look back, but his brain almost broke again at the indescribable wonders of this city, so he hurried back.

The bird that was always by his side is gone, and so is his wife.

"When we met you, he was no longer with you. I don't know where he went, but the cruel carcasses of animals on the ground that I saw on my way here... It must be your wife's doing.'' Li Jia'an Li said with a relieved expression.

"Where are we now?" Li Jiahong asked.

Yu Lianyun asked Li Jiahong to put the night vision device in his other pocket. After adjusting the observation distance and mode, in Li Jiahong's eyes, except for the creatures, everything else looked like the cold outline of the lake. I don't know why. Environments that have great rational effects on people bee ineffective.



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