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大家在看凌天战神 朝仙道 武碎星河 洪荒:隐藏万古的我被曝光了 隐婚,天降巨富老公! 龙焰苍穹 伏天氏 我居然不是诸天群群主 变强从县令开始 诸天大佬降临 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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After the tunnel was opened, the tomb was vandalized by humans, which enraged Pufferfish. Therefore, ever since the Beixiang Tunnel opened, a series of strange and bad things happened, and finally the tunnel had to be closed.

I don't need to mention what happened next. Huang Qitao and other law enforcers invaded Pufferfish's family's location and were mercilessly killed by modified animals sent by Pufferfish.

After that, what He Jian and the others will face is the same as what happened to Huang Qitao back then, and maybe even worse.

They have the experience of occult detectives dealing with ordinary events, but that does not mean that they have supernatural powers and can survive all unknown and unusual events unscathed.

We finally arrived at the entrance to the Hokusho Tunnel, and the car stopped in front of the entrance. As the three of them got out of the car, looking at the entrance to the dark tunnel in front of them, the strange feeling in their hearts began to activate again. Yu Lianyun seemed to hear a sound floating in the air. They spoke a strange language, and the sound was louder than a flying mosquito, confusing people.

Before the action began in earnest, the three of them were nervous. They opened the trunk of their car, armed themselves, and slowly entered a tunnel as deep as a bug's mouth, their hearts racing.

Before leaving for the last time, Yu Lianyun did not forget to look back at the sky. At this time, the huge bird hanging Li Jiahong was floating in the sky far from the ground, silently observing them, as if waiting for them to leave first before landing. .

Sure enough, after Yu Lianyun and the others entered the tunnel, the Gufuo bird transformed by Jiang Gu finally landed on the ground with her husband.

Li Jiahong looked at the car in front of him where He Jiaan was parked, and found that the trunk door was not closed, and there were several sets of armed weapons inside. It was obvious that He Jia'an and Yu Lianyun had kept it intentionally.



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