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大家在看我孙悟空无敌2彼岸世界 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 九域剑帝 创世十二乐章 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 我,装了三年废物,出手人间无敌 大世界系列北域之圣枪初世 穿越成红龙的我竟然拥有农药系统 诸天大佬降临 玄幻:黄金大世,横推一切天骄! 
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第13章 扭曲的森林

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"Boss, why don't you burn all the feathers?" Weijiang lit the stove in the front door, took out the impeller, and asked Lingling inside the house.

Ling Ling said with a smile. "Yes, that's enough."

Sanjuku Hokusho Tunnel

Li Ka'an quickly instructed local organizations to at least retrieve the feathers before the second out-of-control bird was born, and collect all the feathers from other birds they could.

The curse called "Blessing" has already spread to the world once, and Gufuo Niao's curse must not be spread to the world again.

This seemingly prosperous human world cannot afford to have problems!

And who is Limbos? Is he a madman or a supernatural god in human skin?

The mysterious detectives didn't expect tonight to be so lively...

When it es to finding bird feathers, I can always count on the members of my lower organization to help me out. Li Jiang and the others can only do their best not to think about the possible serious consequences, as they have to focus on dealing with the immediate disaster.

Of course, when it es to processing, Li Jian et al. cannot 100% solve the usual problems with puffer fish. After all, they are facing an unknown extradimensional race. How can you be successful if you don't even know the details of the other person? What about probabilities?

However, this is the mission and responsibility of a mysterious detective who risks his life to face an unknown number of successful people, and he must never look back, even if he never returns.

According to Huang Qitao, the place where he and the victim police officers were attacked by Fu Gu's modified beast was in an abandoned tunnel called Beixiang Tunnel in Shenzhou.

At this time, Huang Qishao followed the clues of a member of a mysterious society whose wife had also died, and finally found information about the Beixiang Tunnel from the information left behind by the deceased member.



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站内强推玄鉴仙族 疯批公主杀疯了,众卿还在修罗场 那个学渣要上天 神道丹尊 这个反派有点良心,但是不多! 废武魂?我,逆天进化,震惊世界 我娇养了未来帝君 绝世战魂 游北戏南 重生80年代:开局迎娶女大学生 皇后是朕的黑月光 天道葫芦 重生年代,我的1978 崩铁:开局觉醒最强扮演系统! 猎魔手记 龙王传说 我靠吹牛发家致富 极致黑暗 一剑独尊 诸天樊笼 
经典收藏小师弟要逆天 从垂钓诸天开始 诡异星巫 我孙悟空无敌2彼岸世界 怪猎之我难道不是猛汉? 千心蛊 我在异界当山匪 我是土匪,屋里全是公主女帝咋了 斩妖除魔,开局获得六十年功力 比老祖数量?我最擅长了! 斗罗:骑士之王 灵源 苍天万域 盛爷夫人是超级大佬 镇守凡尘三百年,我于人间无敌 异世界万能工匠 神话制卡师 诸天:给主角擦屁股的那些年 我要逃成杀帝 永恒世界无尽时代 
最近更新无上道经【仙界篇】 穿书女频,女主有些不对劲 重生后,我将娘子宠成了女帝 我穿越了,但又没完全成功 肉鸽修仙,从成为玩家开始无敌 神末之下 九转长生 逆天道轮回 灵界血歌 徒弟全成圣,我躺平亿点怎么了? 万古至尊龙婿 玄幻:我要这极致的美貌有何用! 神王塔 黑神话之被大圣敲死后他重生了 一魂双体的师尊,魔尊也是她 皇吟 永恒之爱之圣界慈光 我建好了地府,你跟我说这是洪荒 叶长生的传奇之路 画天地 
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