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大家在看系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 九天剑主 九域剑帝 帝霸 洪荒:隐藏万古的我被曝光了 伏天氏 绝世邪神 宗门护道人 变强从县令开始 全能反派 
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第2章 梅布尔·霍金斯号

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This existence seems to be attempting to convey a message, a cosmic wisdom, through it.What do you want to do? "The other crew members asked in surprise.The crew of the ship didn't pay attention to them, only to see him put his finger to his mouth and make a deep hoarse sound. Then, a shiny ball of light appeared on his finger.

As the sphere formed, the entire depth began to tremble violently. The crew felt their souls tremble, as if they were about to leave their bodies and fly towards the magical pearl.The crew pointed their fingers towards the nearest crew member, who immediately shouted, 'No!'The crew did not stop and continued to approach their fingers. At this moment, the words' 0 'suddenly flashed in the crew's view.The crew's consciousness quickly awakened, and they recovered from their psychedelic state and saw the terrifying scene before them.What did I... what did I do? I just wanted to take action against those crew members. "

One crew member was frightened and collapsed on the ground. The other crew members turned pale and sat slumped on the ground. If that situation had happened to them just now, they wouldn't dare to be similar.

Fortunately, the crew member finally stopped in time, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.The crew member suddenly said, "Look, there seems to be something thereThe crew quickly stood up and walked towards the direction the crew had said. When they arrived at that area, they were surprised to find that it was empty.What's going on?

Is it an illusionNo, I heard a sound, it should be nearbyIt's impossible, are you still aliveEveryone searched around and finally found the round ball of light in the corner. The crew held it in their hands and carefully observed it. This sphere is very beautiful, emitting a soft and warm light, making it irresistible to play with.



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